Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Visit prof. Brent Gillespie

This Thursday March 20, Prof Brent Gillespie will visit the Delft Haptics Lab. He will be serving on Friday as a committee member at the PhD defense of Joost Venrooij. He could arrive a day earlier, and was willing to give a talk about his research during our weekly Haptics Lab Meeting, from 16:00-17:00.

The Haptics Lab weekly meeting will be held this time in room 31(TBM) – a1.370
[Note that this is located not at 3mE, but at the Faculty of TBM]

Prof Gillespie received his MSc and PhD from Stanford University, and is currently holding the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA. The following is an excerpt from his website:

“My research is in the area of haptic interface, where I apply techniques from multibody dynamics, nonlinear controls, and robotics.  Humans acquire a great deal of information from their environment through the sense of touch.  I believe that the elements of interaction that support the kind of relationship one enjoys with a musical instrument or tennis racquet, say, also belong in one’s relationship with a computer. There is much to learn about the mechanical contact between human and computer and much to exploit for information transfer. A computer fully outfitted for mechanical interaction can even go beyond providing for human expression and entertainment, it can function as a teaching aide or provide performance enhancement.”

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