Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Haptic Shared Control for Multi-operator Telemanipulation

Lead: Jeroen van Oosterhout
2012-2016 (PhD Project, Active)

A subset of tele-manipulation tasks requires a pair of operators acting simultaneously to dynamically manoeuvre and align objects. The problem in such co-operative tasks is that the operators typically lack awareness of the task constraints and each other’s control actions, especially when a heavy load structurally deflects itself or the manipulator during load transfer.

This PhD thesis will focus on experimentally analysing such tasks in a virtual environment, and on supporting the operators through a shared awareness of dynamic constraints.

PhD project


Associated Research Programme:
Involved Researchers:
Involved Companies:
    • DIFFER
    • HIT

This project is made possible through the funding of FOM and DIFFER, and the collaboration with Marco de Baar.

Created by The Laboratory Network