Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Msc. Jeroen Roozendaal

Jeroen Roozendaal officially joined the Delft Haptics Lab at the start of his thesis work at Volvo Trucks in February 2017. Unofficially he was already interested and involved behind the scene at the start of his masters program Vehicle Engineering since September 2015. He got to know David Abbink during a study tour through America with Gezelschap Leeghwater and choose his elective courses with David in a way to best suit his later thesis topic Haptic Shared Control in the automotive industry.
Jeroen started his literature thesis halfway January 2017 and following up started his thesis research in April 2017. In Göteborg he’s looking into different methods to provide haptic lane keeping assist, supporting the driver in the SAE 2 level steering task. Goal is to communicate hands-on steering wheel behaviour to the driver while simultaneous benefiting from the steering assist system (higher performance in secondary task).
Together with close assistance from Emma Johansson from Volvo Trucks and Bastiaan Petermeijer (postdoc at the Haptics Lab Delft), Jeroen performed his experiment in one of Volvo test-trucks at Volvo’s Hällered test tracks.
In December 2017 Jeroen successfully defended his thesis in Delft.

Programmes he has worked on
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