Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

ir. Winfred Mugge

Winfred was an MSc-student at Mechanical Engineering at the department of Biomechanical Engineering at TUD. He graduated with honours on ‘Modulation of muscle force feedback to affect human ankle admittance’, under supervision of David Abbink.  He also successfully completed the ‘Biomedical Engineering’ Honours Track (an extension of elective courses at other faculties and universities for excellent students, 30 ECTS).

Afterwards, he went on to pursue a PhD degree under supervision of Alfred Schouten, which he defended in 2011. Subsequently he got postdoc positions at Delft, and currently at the VU Amsterdam, where he collaborates with the Delft Haptics Lab on the H-Haptics programme. Click here for his postdoc profile.

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