Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Dr. ir. Roel Kuiper

PhD Candidate at the Department of BioMechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

My main research interest is the understanding of human operators when controlling subsea devices, mainly to be used in offshore activities. Many of these devices are controlled using a joystick which is therefore controlling the velocity of a certain part of the machine. And my research focus is to improve this control by adding augmented forces on such a device to improve the control of the remote subsea machine.

Apart from my PhD track I’m also employed by the company Seatools bv. who are mainly focussed on developing subsea robotics. My function is Research and Development Engineer and I’m involved in small research projects such as validation of small products and the development of new software algorithm’s for simulations.

Previously I also graduated at the Delft Haptics Lab on two MSc topics for Dredging Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; Influence of the Hyperbaric Effect on Apparent Material Strength of Fully Saturated Porous Rock and The Effect of Offering Natural Force Feedback and Haptic Shared Control on Rate and Force Control of a Deep Sea Mining Suspended Grab.

Besides work I’m also interested in travelling and making wooden furniture.

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