Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Bachmann Master Class

Roel Kuiper has organized, in collaboration with Bachmann, the following master class: ‘Practical implementations using a Bachmann M1 Controller’. It will be held on next Tuesday April 1, from 9 am until roughly 3 pm, at Lecture Room E (Faculty of 3mE, TU Delft). Lunch is provided, free of charge for all the participants.

 “The Bachmann M1 controller is a versatile real-time industrial controller which can be used to control numerous type of devices, including haptic devices. This master class is intended to introduce all the options the Bachmann controller can offer the TU Delft in designing and executing experiments. This master class is at the level of an MSc course and will be interesting for any student or PhD interested in using a Bachmann M1 controller. The course is listed as a post-doctoral course and you can gain 1 TU Delft Graduate School credit for attending.”

A Blackboard site is now made available where you can find related documents and software. You can enroll for this course to get access to these files as follows.

Blackboard >>  Organizations: Masterclass Bachmann Controllers

Please download and install the required files under ‘Documents/Required Software’ before the course to be able to participate in the hands-on demo.

Created by The Laboratory Network